Book: How to Stop Binge Watching and Start Living
How to Stop Binge-Watching and Start Living
How to Stop Binge-Watching and Start Living
Put streaming media in its place (for good) and get your life back
Put streaming media in its place (for good) and get your life back
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A little about the book...
A little about the book...
Word count: 95,000+ (equivalent to a 300-plus-page book)
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This book is for anyone who knows they're watching more than they should, and that it's been holding them back in life. It's for those who've realized that binge-watching has been a sizable hurdle to their happiness.
One of the neatest things about the methods and perspectives in this book, is that none of it requires willpower, or any remarkable sort of discipline. Just an openness to think and to critically engage. I'll be giving you the thinking and engaging tools, and you're going to make them yours.
Read this book from beginning to end, and you will not only have gotten your binge-watching under control – but you will also have figured out what it is that you're going to be doing with all the extra time on your hands. That's my expectation.
The book is divided into 3 parts:
The dynamics in Part 1 rescue us from the never-ending barrage of triggers (and the resulting watching habits) that got us into this mess in the first place. They cushion our binge-watching withdrawal symptoms and give us that much more of a fighting chance moving forward. Embedded within those dynamics are the seed of our de-programming – an inside-out deconstructing and dismantling of addictive mechanisms.
In Part 2, we kick things up a notch from predominantly managing and gamifying our binge-watching with mitigation methods, to building perspective. We switch focus from one kind of practicality to another. Part 2 is the resource engine where we generate our own means and motivation.
In Part 3, we explore the connection between binge-watching and our core values of being. We dig deeper to figure out purpose, as we dialogue about what it is we truly seek from video media, and—by extension—from life itself. We then look at a a small handful of building blocks – those essential things that make for a life lived purposefully.