Is productivity coaching for you?
If your WorkFlowy outlines have become a tad unwieldy or if you can't focus on what really matters each day... coaching with me (Frank) will help you find the angle you need.
I've been fascinated with productivity for the longest of times... and particularly how productivity methods and systems have their incarnation in WorkFlowy. Over the years, I've helped thousands upon thousands of WorkFlowy users harness this fantastical tool and find strategies to stay on top of their busy days, complex projects... and life itself: through my books, blog posts, screencast tutorials, webinars... and through one-on-one coaching.
I'm not a fan of busy work, of unnecessary admin and sifting through inboxes and backlogs. I'm very much a fan of the simplest of workflows that are a breeze to follow and maintain. I believe we all have the ability to borrow dynamics from widespread, classic productivity methods and make our very own, unique systems. Our own productivity mashups. I can be of tremendous help in streamlining the unsightly, unstructured and unlovable parts of your digital life and productivity.
If you’re a fan of GTD, Tickler files, Personal Kanban, The Pomodoro Technique… and many other classical organizational and prioritization dynamics, you’ll be able to speak your productivity language and I’ll understand you... Or if you don’t know about any of these dynamics, not to worry… you don’t need to know any of it to set up workflows that fit like hand in glove.