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Coaching for writers

Schedule individual calls directly with me

(+ lifetime access to our Slack writers' community)


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Whether you’re an experienced writer or just starting out, this personalized coaching package is designed to meet you where you are and help you get your manuscript completed and published.


This package is tailored to support writers at all levels:

  • Experienced writers

Even if you’re you’re an accomplished, published author, I can help you streamline your writing process and make it more efficient. I’ve helped more than one New York Times bestseller—amongst other acclaimed writers—optimize their process in WorkFlowy.

  • Writers feeling stuck

If you’re stagnating or struggling to maintain a daily word count, this is your opportunity to get back into the flow with accountability through direct contact with myself, as well as via the Slack community – where we’ll collectively track our writing efforts and streaks.

  • Aspiring authors

You no doubt have valuable knowledge and insight to share with the world, but may not know how to start. We were all there at one point. I’ll guide you through the process of turning your ideas into a published book.

By publishing your ideas, you’ll open the door to financial freedom as a self-published author.


For just $295 (a limited-time Black Friday offer), you’ll receive:

1. Three one-on-one coaching calls

  • Each call is one hour long.

  • Schedule the calls at your convenience – anytime in the coming months or year.

  • Personalized coaching to help you structure your book, streamline your process and get past mental blocks.

2. Step-by-step advice on self-publishing

  • I’ll guide you on how to get your book self-published—whether on my platform, Umfundi, or elsewhere—so you can effortlessly get your work released.

  • I’ll send you a private WorkFlowy share, where we can coordinate, collaborate and keep notes.

3. Limited-time bonuses:

Lifetime access to our writers’ slack community:

  • Join a group of like-minded authors for accountability, writing challenges, and exchanging ideas.

Sell your first 100 books without fees on Umfundi:

  • If you choose to publish on my platform, Umfundi, you can sell up to 100 copies of your book(s) on our platform with 100% of the profit going to you (no 10% fee).

You’ll get my book, How To Write Non-Fiction in WorkFlowy

  • This book walks you through my writing process in WorkFlowy. This will streamline everything for you!


This coaching package is not just about finishing your book – it’s very much about creating a sustainable writing process that helps you monetize and release your ideas into the wild. Whether it’s turning your ideas into a book or building a path toward financial independence through self-publishing, this will give you the tools and support you need.


What I’m offered is valued at well over $600, but you’re getting it as a Black Friday sale for just $295 – a savings of at least 50%.