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Kanban Calendar: Evernote Series - 3 of 5

Frank Degenaar

A digital canvas for your imagination

In this digital day and age, many people still prefer analog task-management systems (i.e., pen and paper) to get tasks out of their heads. To name but a few possibilities: Moleskine planners (with Evernote integration), the bullet journal setup... and a very stimulating view on pencil and paper in Nick Cernis' book, "The Todoodlist" I read earlier this year. A blank canvas has its appeal. You get to give form to your ideas - whether it's an art form or free-form task scribbling. We now have more options than ever to integrate the freedom that a blank canvas gives us, with the digital advantages of undo/ redo, zoom and tools/ effects that make the artistically or even technically challenged feel like pros. 

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