The more one indulges in science fiction, the more one engages in the willing suspension of disbelief... and carries the same "impossible" technological concepts over into reality - at least for a few seconds, while one adjusts to the painful absence of such things as cargo bay transporters. But surely there's some sort of technology out there we can really sink our teeth into... something that will make a mammoth task just a tad less mammoth-like?
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R&R is very much underrated: we needs periods of renewal - to recharge our batteries and find inspiration. Our downtime may come in both smaller and larger doses. Often we all need a reminder of what we already know. So let's throw back a couple of decades and learn a thing or two from the likes of Star Trek's Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Lieutenant Commander Data and their escapades on the holodeck.
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Often, a bridge between two universes allows for a crossing over... and Evernote's Reminders feature (that little blue or green alarm clock) is the bridge to our parallel universe - the Reminders list. We'll be looking at multiple ways of getting our tasks into that list with no fuss. The Reminders list becomes more than just an interesting mock-up of our notes that have embedded Reminders. The Reminders list is similar (yet different) to our lists of notebooks and notes. In this universe, the law of dragging and dropping is part of its very fabric - allowing us to sort our tasks and also transfer them between notebooks with ease - making for yet another great Kanban Calendar setup.
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Every day, our productivity depends on the ability to be selective and disregard much of the stuff that assaults our senses. Often the unprofitable bombards us and seems to speak louder than the profitable. Speaking of which - The (Star Trek) "Ferengi" were an incredibly capitalistic race from the planet Ferenginar. A Ferengi's entire existence revolved around the acquisition of wealth - and it was actually a crime for them to trifle with anything unprofitable. We can learn much from their single-mindedness. That is a topic for another time...
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Imagine that all of your tasks in life laid ahead of you on one straight line. You tackle all of those tasks one at a time without wasting any effort - no restarts, no mistakes. All green lights. We simply do the perfect set of activities each day, one after the other. Why can't our paths to success and happiness be lined up in this way, one doable task at a time?
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This edition of my Kanban Calendar setup showcases Trello, one of the heavyweights in the task management world. With multiple Kanban boards, sublists within individual cards and the ability to create multiple cards at once from any input list, it is similar to the previously reviewed Kanbana app, only a bit more souped up. If you're a Star Trek fan and a Kanban enthusiast, this post is a match made in heaven. What are the chances?
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