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Productivity hacks weekly in bite-size chunks. Just up your alley if you're at least slightly geeky or a tad bit obsessed with Evernote or WorkFlowy!

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Kanban Calendar: Evernote Series - 5 of 5 (Intro)

Frank Degenaar

One of the handy things about Evernote is that there numerous (possibly gazillions) of onramps - tons of ways of getting stuff into your account. Not only that, but there are literally thousands of apps out there that you can authorize to access your Evernote account and send/ harvest/ hone in on/ extract specific information, and in many cases allow for a 2-way sync. In the weeks to come, I will be showcasing 5 3rd-party Evernote apps that do a spectacular (if not totally unique) job of managing your tasks - in Kanban Calendar fashion.

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